Artist Statement

Hannah Karampatsos/18/Dover, New Hampshire 

 I've been a photographer since middle school, when I got my Canon Rebel. The three subjects that have interested me since are nature, architecture, and people. My work hasn't changed much since then. I believe taking pictures of nature makes me truly appreciate how beautiful the world is around us. The lines and geometry of buildings are aesthetically satisfying to look at. Since you could take pictures of the same building, a different angle can make it look like a totally different building. People are the most interesting to photograph. Whether they're relaxing, working, thinking, doesn't matter, because there is so much to read in one picture. Their facial expressions in the moment can give the viewer the same feelings. Capturing those moments are really important to me and my style of photography. One of my favorite quotes are from Willy Ronis, "I have never sought out the extraordinary or the scoop. I looked at what complemented my life. The beauty of the ordinary was always the source of my greatest emotion."